Friday, January 30, 2009

"The Pussycat Dogs"---GUCCI

I would like to introduce one fifth of our pets at home
"The Pussycat Dogs"

I'll post our other pets soon.

His name is Gucci.
He is a Shihtzu.
Roughly, 2 months old.

Yesterday, as I was waiting for something exciting to happen here in the office,I read my sister's status in Facebook: I'm thinking about selling my
Gucci puppy.
It wasn't clear to me what her status meant.
I thought she was selling her bags or something.

Later that night, I had a chance to chat with her.
To my surprise, she asked me if I want another puppy.
Her previous dog, Ming-Ming, just gave birth to 2 adorable puppies,
Gucci and Chanel. Supposedly, there were three puppies, but Louis Vuitton died.

My sister barely can't take care of them 'cause her super cute and hyper son already keeps her busy.
To cut it short, she wants me to adopt one of the puppies,Gucci,
instead of selling him.

We already have 3 dogs at home which was why I had to think it over before I get myself into something I can't deal with in the long run.
Let's face it, it's not that easy to have dogs, right?
But dog-lover as I am-plus the sigh and the big smile I mustered after I saw the picture of Gucci- I'd be crazy not to take him.

We slept together for the first time. hehe.
He was so cuddly and cute the whole night.
I'm really happy to have a new puppy.
I just had one, 2 weeks ago.
His name is Mocha.
I'll introduce him next.
But for now, Gucci is super cute!
I'll take good care of him.
He'll be getting a lot of love from his parents and family.

Next Attraction: Mocha

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